Steve Quayle Joins Mike Adams to Lay Out Disturbing PREDICTIONS for “Dark Winter” and 2022
by mosesman
One comment
Dear Mr. Adams thank you so much for you and Mr.Steven Quayle I know that you both speak the truth because the Holy Sprit is with you. I am a child of the Almighty God I know the things that you both have talked about and my husband and I are Sabbath Keepers we believe in keeping all the holy Days of God. We do not celebrate pagan days. We do not fear man and we do not and will not take the death shot it has taken so many people now that has die. People ask me well did you take the covid shot and I said no because a shot of the serpent can not save your life only God can do that and I said I do not fear man but I will not spit in the face of the almighty God because once you are a begotten child of his you will not be harmed with mans dieases. I will always pray for you and mr. Steven Quayle and all our brothers and sisters in Christ Yeshua.
Dear Mr. Adams thank you so much for you and Mr.Steven Quayle I know that you both speak the truth because the Holy Sprit is with you. I am a child of the Almighty God I know the things that you both have talked about and my husband and I are Sabbath Keepers we believe in keeping all the holy Days of God. We do not celebrate pagan days. We do not fear man and we do not and will not take the death shot it has taken so many people now that has die. People ask me well did you take the covid shot and I said no because a shot of the serpent can not save your life only God can do that and I said I do not fear man but I will not spit in the face of the almighty God because once you are a begotten child of his you will not be harmed with mans dieases. I will always pray for you and mr. Steven Quayle and all our brothers and sisters in Christ Yeshua.