What’s Going to Happen First? False Flag In Phoenix Or World War III?
- What’s Going to Happen First? False Flag In Phoenix Or World War III?
by Dave Hodges, https://thecommonsenseshow.com/home
War and a big potential false flag are on the agenda today.
In this article, I am going to throw up some dots and see what connects. I just engaged in this activity with Paul Preston, the President of the California 51st State movement, as I appeared on his radio show, Agenda 21 Radio. We compared dots and have a lot in common on his morning show.
America has been waiting for the other shoe to drop and it appears that several shoes are dropping. Several notables just completed a fantastic presentation on voter fraud in Tulsa. About 10 weeks ago, I had information this conference could be targeted in order to stop the voter fraud presentation. I was also informed that it is was believed that conference participant, Sydney Powell’s life, could be in danger and she would not be attending in person. Powell did deliver a video presentation in absentia as I was told would happen. So why wasn’t this conference on voter fraud attacked? It would appear that the forensic audit of the Maricopa County voting machines has taken center stage and it shifted the emphasis to this event. As a result, Arizona has taken center stage as a potential site for a massive false flag attack! Why, you may ask. After nearly 6 months, ignored State Senate subpoenas, and several ignored court orders by the criminal Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, the Arizona Senate has finally obtained the voting machines in question and has subsequently rented out Veterans Memorial Coliseum to conduct a forensic audit of the voting machines. However, after 6 months, if there was something to find, one would have to seriously wonder about forensic preservation of evidence. If there is believed to be actionable fraud, Phoenix moves to the head of the list for a potential false flag.
Meanwhile, there is imminent war between Ukraine and Russia. Russia is merely waiting for the fields to dry before moving in the tanks. Biden is being blackmailed by Ukraine, and this will lead to a war with Russia. However, the Russians are not lying down. They have nuclear submarines off our East Coast. This is where the story gets interesting.
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