Vatican Permits Use of Covid Vaccines Made Using Aborted Fetal Tissue

- Vatican Permits Use of Covid Vaccines Made Using Aborted Fetal Tissue
by Stuti Mishra@StutiNMishra, Tuesday 22 December 2020 12:45,
Vatican says ‘It is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses’
The Vatican has announced that it is “morally acceptable” for Roman Catholics to get vaccinated against Covid-19 after anti-abortion groups raised concerns citing the origin of the vaccine from aborted fetuses.
A note from the Vatican’s watchdog office for doctrinal orthodoxy said the use of the vaccines was permitted, even if their production employed cell lines drawn from tissues of aborted foetuses, as long as there were no alternatives.
The guidance came after some churchmen in the United States argued that such products were immoral. The American bishops said the vaccines employed cell lines drawn from tissue obtained from two abortions that took place in the 1960s and 1970s and that often have been replicated since.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith acknowledged it had received several requests for “guidance” during recent months. The doctrinal office pointed out that bishops, Catholic groups and experts have offered “diverse and sometimes conflicting pronouncements” on the matter.
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