“A Police-Free Future”: Minneapolis City Council Votes To Abolish Police Department
- The Illuminists-Satanists have taken over control of many cities in USA. This will turn Minneapolis (and by extension America) into Mad Max. The dystopian future as predicted in many Hollywood films: The Purge, Escape from LA/NY … is coming true. I still see the Deep State bringing out their guillotines by 2021. (Abolishing the Police Dept over the misdeeds of a few is a DUMB idea. Gun sales will skyrocket.)
– - “A Police-Free Future” – Minneapolis City Council Votes To Abolish Police Department
by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/
Update (2100ET): Here is the somewhat unbelievable statement from the Minneapolis City Council describing their “veto-proof majority” plans to create a utopian “police-free future”..
1. Decades of police reform efforts have proved that the Minneapolis Police Department cannot be reformed, and will never be accountable for its actions.
2. We are here today to begin the process of ending the Minneapolis Police Department and creating new transformative model for cultivating safety in Minneapolis.
3. We recognize that we don’t have all the answers about what a police-free future looks like, but our community does. We’re committing to engaging with every willing community member in the City of Minneapolis over the next year to identify what safety looks like for you.
4. We’ll be taking intermediate steps towards ending the MPD through the budget process and other policy and budget decisions over the coming weeks and months.
We cannot help but wonder if this is anything like what the constituents actually wanted as an outcome of the current racial-bias protestations. As former AR Governor Mike Huckabee noted:
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- Satanism: the inversion of reality. Good is Evil. Evil is Good. God is Satan, Satan is God blasphemy. Illuminist social engineers rule this world by subtlety and deception!
– - Devil’s Advocate: Are Satanists Now the Good Guys in the Fight Against the Evangelical Right?
by Steve Rose, https://www.theguardian.com/international
Over the past century of popular culture, Satan has acquired the souls of delta blues musicians, incited youth rebellions, possessed small children and goats, impregnated unsuspecting women and transmitted evil through backwards lyrics on heavy metal records. But recently, to paraphrase the Rolling Stones, the nature of his game has been puzzling us.
The forces aligned against Satan have become so objectionable that he no longer looks like the bad guy. They include such groups as the Westboro Baptist church, notorious for its hate speech against LGBTQ people, Jews, Muslims and other groups, all of which it condemns as “satanic frauds”. There’s the Trump administration, in league with the US religious right, which has been aggressively pushing anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ legislation, not to mention engaging in overt Islamophobia. Those forces would also include the 20,000 people who recently signed an online petition condemning the Amazon TV adaptation of the cult novel Good Omens – about a demon and an angel – as “another step to make satanism appear normal”.
Now, a documentary threatens to rehabilitate Satan. Directed by Penny Lane, Hail Satan? follows the early adventures of the Satanic Temple, an institution that has hit upon the perfect counter-strategy to the evangelicals’ efforts to recouple church and state. Based in Salem, Massachusetts (where else?), the Satanic Temple is officially recognised as a tax-exempt religious organisation. As such, it has been claiming the same rights and privileges as those obtained by evangelical Christian groups – albeit with a prankster sensibility.
Where the city council of Phoenix, Arizona, began its meetings with a Christian prayer, for example, the Satanic Temple demanded that satanic prayers should also be said. The council chose to drop the prayers altogether. When the Child Evangelism Fellowship set up the pro-Christian Good News clubs in US public schools, the Satanic Temple introduced its own After School Satan clubs – promoting scientific rationalism. And when the Oklahoma state capitol permitted the installation of a Ten Commandments sculpture in its grounds, the Satanic Temple campaigned to erect its own 8ft-high statue of Baphomet, the goat-headed, cloven-hoofed deity.
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