Post COVID-19 World The New Normal is an Abnormal Dystopian Future !!
- The Atlantis Report
With the coronavirus pandemic, it’s too easy to dismiss the way we’re all now forced to live as the new normal. The truth is, it’s not normal—nothing like it. The disease itself, the social distancing, the massive job losses, and the world’s blown up economies, are completely alien to us. Governments are throwing enormous amounts of money at the problem, but it is impossible to put a price on the human cost of this catastrophe.
Society will undergo a radical transformation, As we’re waking up to the new normal. A return to work won’t mean a return to normal. So even if you’re waiting on the coffee maker, if you’re standing in line at the canteen, if you’re sitting on the bench you need to be aware of social distancing. Businesses will need to adhere to physical distancing measures, such as staggered seating and have deep sanitation and cleaning practices in place. Regular hand-washing covered coughing, and contactless greetings are already becoming common practice.
The change in the workplace is going to be drastic and permanent. Checkpoints to screen employees and visitors, Plexiglass dividers creating walls around desks, Temperature Checks with infrared thermometer At The Door, mandatory Hand sanitizing with alcohol-based hand rub, location-monitoring apps and badges, artificial intelligence surveillance cameras, and high-tech health checks, mandatory masks and gloves, Elevators limited to use by just a few at a time, shared places to be booked in advance. In Italy, they are even installing traffic lights in front of washrooms. Large events will not take place And get used to see snowblower disinfecting the streets of your city.
They’ve created this paranoia in and between people. The reality of COVID was that it was nowhere near as serious as the hysteria surrounding it. For the full transcript go to