Veraitas Bombshell: CBS News Stages Fake COVID-19 Testing Line in Michigan
- Veraitas Bombshell: CBS News Stages Fake COVID-19 Testing Line in Michigan
#ExposeCBS trending on Twitter after shocking report released
An insider came forward to Project Veritas with hidden camera recordings revealing how CBS News organized a fake coronavirus testing line using “fake patients” to make the crisis look worse.
Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe asked the insider: “You’re telling me you’re a hundred percent certain that CBS News, CBS News Corporation–national, staged a fake event. They faked the news. They faked the reality and broadcasted that to all of their audience last Friday on “CBS This Morning.” The insider replied: “A hundred percent. Absolutely.”
The insider caught several Grand Rapids, Michigan health center workers on undercover video candidly talking about how the CBS News crew tasked them with inflating the testing lines before they began filming.
“Apparently the news crew wanted more people in the line because they knew it was scheduled,” said Nick Ross, a corporate cleaning site supervisor at the Cherry Health facility.
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