The Elites Are Already Prepared For The Coming Collapse Of The Dollar Bubble
- The Elites Are Already Prepared For The Coming Collapse Of The Dollar Bubble
by Brandon Smith via, via
Today, stock market investors are hoping desperately for Weimar-style hyperinflation to boost equities prices to dizzying heights in what some call a “crack-up boom”. In terms of money creation, we are not there yet, but such levels of fiat printing could happen within the next year. Unfortunately for investors, this “boom” in stocks may not happen again. In fact, it already happened over the course of the past several years, and now the party is over.
In the past few months, the U.S. dollar has entered a massive liquidity crisis, and despite all expectations, the Fed’s attempts to compensate with stimulus measures have done little to boost markets back to their previous glory.
In Weimar Germany, stocks did get an epic rally, until it all came crashing down in 1924 and then again in 1927. The notion of the endless fiat-driven bull market is a lie perpetuated by central bankers and their cheerleaders.
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