Signs The Globalists Will Use Covid-19 To Usher In The ‘End Times One World Government’ Warned Of In The Bible With ‘America’ & ‘Freedom’ Being ‘Indoctrinated’ Out Of Existence
- Signs The Globalists Will Use Covid-19 To Usher In The ‘End Times One World Government’ Warned Of In The Bible With ‘America’ & ‘Freedom’ Being ‘Indoctrinated’ Out Of Existence
by M.C. Enginn for All News Pipeline,
We read in the news yesterday morning that a war might be imminent.
Our normalcy bias keeps most of us from truly observing the world and its clues around us. So, what are the usual reasons for war? We have history to teach us. There are many reasons for war, but they boil down to: ideological change (dissatisfaction with the status quo and dreams of a better system of government), diversity (disunity of culture, race, religion, and language leading to a desire for independence and separation), resources (to supply the needs of a population which has exceeded its limits), and as a adjunct to that last one, territory (desire of the elites for a larger power base to control and administer).
Are any of these causes present today, either in America or globally?
Ideological change
America, founded upon freedom and a republican form of government has been educated/indoctrinated out of existence. An entire generation does not know or understand the underpinnings of what created America. Instead, a subtle ideological change corrupted our academics that then proliferated their treasonous concepts throughout our schools from grade school to college. This ideological change has become sacrosanct within our halls of learning. Democratic professors outnumber republican professors 10 to 1.
Expansion in the modern world today (at least among first world nations) is largely accomplished through business connections. It is the international cartels of business that globally control the resources and territories of our planet.
Third world nations may expand through a desire for more territory and resources, but first world nations largely exert their financial institutions in order to “expand their territories”. The world has changed.
A coming one world government is predicted in the Bible for the End Times. Are we there yet? Will the COVID 19 event completely CHANGE the way the world works? Are we seeing the dissolution of national boundaries in favor of a “peace and safety” that only a global government could achieve? We should know within the next few years.
War is both a top down and a bottom up event. The decisions are all made from the top and delivered to the bottom for execution. The death rate occurs most at the bottom and impacts the top only through the decimation of numbers and the inability to continue a war. It has been said that in peace, a man buries his father. In war, a father buries his son.
Is America headed toward war? There are rumblings that this may be so. We are insolvent as a nation, having spent the money of future generations on perceptions and not facts. We have skewed the thinking of our citizens into believing we are a nation which must give them everything “as a right”. We have overwhelmed our institutions with ridiculous mandates and non- citizens who at best want to drain our resources and worst seek our destruction.
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