ID2020 Certification Mark: The Global Call for a Digital ID — Mark of the Beast
- ID2020 Certification Mark: The Global Call for a Digital ID
by Parker Claussen,
There is a clear, concerted effort on an international scale to provide a new, device-free, form of digital ID, starting with the displaced and impoverished areas as a pilot and will soon move to be scaled internationally.
In Revelation 13, the Bible describes a “beast” who will have power “over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations and all them that dwell on the earth.” And that he would cause everyone to take a mark or a number that without it, you cannot buy or sell.
Revelation 13:6-7 KJV – “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he had the mark or the number of his name.”
What would it take to mark and number every man, woman and child on the face of the earth that without this mark, you cannot buy and sell? We can conclude that we would need a one-world form of government, a new universal way of identifying every human being on the earth and a global economic system with a digital currency that is both cashless and deviceless.
For the first time in human history, technology and global willpower have made the factors of Revelation 13:6-7 feasible.
ID2020 Summit & Mission
Last September 2019, an annual summit was hosted by the ID2020 alliance, composed of significant partners from around the world. Microsoft, GAVI (Global Alliance of Vaccines and Immunizations), The Rockefeller Foundation, and a growing number of partners from international governments, universities, and humanitarian relief programs. The entire summit was sponsored by the UN Office of Information Communications Technology, the UN Refugee Agency, the International Telecommunication Union and the Danish Mission to the UN.
The mission of the ID2020 alliance is “Accelerating technology to ensure that everyone in need has access to a unique digital identity as part of their basic human right.”
In September 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, which stressed its commitment to “provide legal identity for all, including birth registration” by 2030.
Providing legal identity for all is no small feat with their estimation of 1.1 billion people living without identity, ID2020 is rolling out plans at an aggressively rapid pace, and their goals go beyond providing an official birth certificate to people in impoverished countries. They plan to provide a digital ID for everyone on an international scale.
According to their official site, “A unique convergence of trends provides an unprecedented opportunity to make a coordinated, concerted push to provide digital ID to everyone,”
When you read further, these ‘trends’ include rising global connectivity, emerging technologies such as blockchain and biometrics and a global call for a “New model of ID.”
Leveraging Poverty-Stricken Areas to Launch “New Model of ID”
Up until now, an international digital identification system would have been unheard of with the amount of economically and technologically undeveloped corners of the world.With an equal drive to get everyone vaccinated, GAVI (Global Alliance of Vaccines and Immunizations) and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation play a pivotal role in the ID2020 alliance’s mission.
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