Waves Of Mutilation: Medical Tyranny And The Cashless Society
- Waves Of Mutilation: Medical Tyranny And The Cashless Society
by Brandon Smith, http://alt-market.com/
Back in 2014 during the Ebola scare in the US I published an article warning about how a global pandemic could be used by the elites as cover for the implementation of an economic collapse as well as martial law measures in western nations. My immediate concern was the way in which a viral outbreak could be engineered or exploited as a rationale for a level of social control that the public would never accept under normal circumstances. And this could be ANY viral outbreak, not just Ebola. The point is the creation of an “invisible enemy” that the populace cannot quantify and defend itself against without constant government oversight.
I noted specifically how the government refused to apply air travel restrictions in 2014 to nations where the outbreak had taken hold when they could have stopped the spread in its tracks. This is something that was done again in 2020 as the UN’s WHO and governments including our government in the US refused to stop air travel from China, pretending as if it was not a hot zone and that the virus was nothing to worry about.
This attitude of nonchalance serves a purpose. The establishment NEEDS the pandemic to spread, because then they have a rationale for strict controls of pubic activities and movements. This is the end goal. They have no care whatsoever for public health or safety. The end game is to acquire power, not save lives. In fact, they might prefer a higher death count in the beginning as this would motivate the public to beg for more restrictions in the name of security.
Authorities went from downplaying the outbreak and telling people not to bother with preparations like purchasing N95 masks, to full blown crisis mode only weeks later. In January Trump initially claimed he “trusted” the data out of China and said that “everything was under control”; as usual only a couple months down the road and Trump flip-flopped on both assertions. The World Health Organization refused to even label this outbreak a “pandemic” until the virus was entrenched across the globe. The question people will ask is, was this all due to incompetence, or was it social engineering?
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