FULL SHOW: Court Rebukes FBI for Wiretapping Trump Aide
- RT America
The Justice Department’s Inspector General testified Wednesday before Congress for the second time, following the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court’s release of a bombshell letter calling out the FBI on its Russia probe failures. RT America’s Rachel Blevins reports. (4:57) Then legal and media analyst Lionel dives in. (8:37) Twenty years to the day since the US House of Representatives last debated impeaching a president, it did so again Wednesday. RT America’s Faran Fronczak reports from Capitol Hill. (1:00) A federal bankruptcy judge has ruled power company PG&E must pay out two settlements totaling $24.5 billion that will go to victims of northern California wildfires and insurance companies that paid out damage claims. Investigative journalist Ben Swann breaks down the case. (17:35)