Former NASA Scientist Is ‘Convinced’ We’ve Already Found Evidence of Life on Mars
- These are works of the “sons of God”, fallen angels, during the Days of Noah, spreading corruption throughout the universe.
– - Former NASA Scientist Is ‘Convinced’ We’ve Already Found Evidence of Life on Mars
We’ve spent decades and billions of dollars to answer one simple question: is there life on Mars?
But according to an opinion piece for Scientific American by former NASA scientist Gilbert Levin, we may already have learned we’re not alone in the Universe during an experiment Levin led for NASA’s Viking mission to Mars in 1976.
NASA sent two separate Viking orbiter and lander pairs to the Red Planet to conduct experiments and return with snapshots — marking the first time the US safely landed a spacecraft on the Red Planet and sent back photos.
The smoking gun, according to Levin: the mission detected positive results during the Labeled Release life detection experiment, which he spearheaded. As part of the experiment, the lander mixed a Martian soil sample with a nitrogen-based nutrient solution that was “labeled” with a unique radioactive carbon compound. The theory was that if microorganisms in the soil metabolized the nutrients, it would let off radioactive carbon dioxide gas.
Levin recounts how “amazingly” the initial results of the experiment were positive for microorganisms — and corroborated by both separate Mars landers some 4,000 miles apart. And Levin is adamant: thousands of reliable tests with Earth-based soil and microbial cultures conducted at the time, he argues, support the results.
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– - I’m Convinced We Found Evidence of Life on Mars in the 1970s
by Gilbert V. Levin on The Labeled Release experiment on the Viking mission reported positive results, although most have dismissed them as inorganic chemical reactions
We humans can now peer back into the virtual origin of our universe. We have learned much about the laws of nature that control its seemingly infinite celestial bodies, their evolution, motions and possible fate. Yet, equally remarkable, we have no generally accepted information as to whether other life exists beyond us, or whether we are, as was Samuel Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner, “alone, alone, all, all alone, alone on a wide wide sea!” We have made only one exploration to solve that primal mystery. I was fortunate to have participated in that historic adventure as experimenter of the Labeled Release (LR) life detection experiment on NASA’s spectacular Viking mission to Mars in 1976.
On July 30, 1976, the LR returned its initial results from Mars. Amazingly, they were positive. As the experiment progressed, a total of four positive results, supported by five varied controls, streamed down from the twin Viking spacecraft landed some 4,000 miles apart. The data curves signaled the detection of microbial respiration on the Red Planet. The curves from Mars were similar to those produced by LR tests of soils on Earth. It seemed we had answered that ultimate question.
When the Viking Molecular Analysis Experiment failed to detect organic matter, the essence of life, however, NASA concluded that the LR had found a substance mimicking life, but not life. Inexplicably, over the 43 years since Viking, none of NASA’s subsequent Mars landers has carried a life detection instrument to follow up on these exciting results. Instead the agency launched a series of missions to Mars to determine whether there was ever a habitat suitable for life and, if so, eventually to bring samples to Earth for biological examination.
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