Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Daniel D A message for those who cheer for Hong Kong’s protesters, and also for the media, who deliberately turn a blind eye to their dark underbelly end
CNA In a move that could undermine judicial independence in Hong Kong, Beijing is looking to reinterpret the the special administrative region’s Basic Law, after Hong Kong’s High Court ruled that a ban on face masks was unconstitutional. CNA’s Roland Lim has more. end
The Globalists Are Openly Admitting To Their Population Control Agenda – And That’s A Bad Sign… by Brandon Smith, Eugenics and population control are long time hobbies of the financial elites. In the early 1900’s, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Institute were deeply involved in promoting Eugenics laws in the US. These laws …
The Grayzone Max Blumenthal discusses the fascist and Christian extremist forces leading the military coup against Bolivia’s elected President Evo Morales, which had support from the US, Brazil, and Colombia. This is an excerpt from The Grayzone’s November 12 livestream on Bolivia:… – Read our reports: – Bolivia coup led by Christian fascist paramilitary …
RT America Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute joins Rick Sanchez to weigh in on the ongoing protests rocking Iran after its government hiked the price of fuel by as much as 300 percent and imposed an internet blackout. He argues that President Trump’s Iran policy ultimately emboldens Tehran. He says we should suspect …
How Western Media Bias Allows Israel to Getaway with Murder in Gaza by An Israeli attack on Gaza was imminent, and not because of any provocations by Palestinian groups in the besieged, impoverished Gaza Strip. The Israeli military escalation was foreseeable because it factors neatly in Israel’s contentious political scene. The war was not …
Is the Fed Secretly Bailing Out a Major Bank? by MN Gordon, Prettifying Toxic Waste The promise of something for nothing is always an enticing proposition. Who doesn’t want roses without thorns, rainbows without rain, and salvation without repentance? So, too, who doesn’t want a few extra basis points of yield above the 10-year …
Russia Continues De-Dollarisation as Brussels Considers Creating Pan-EU Payment System by Last month, Russia reportedly lost $7.7 billion in foreign exchange reserves after it decided to replace the American currency with euros, yuan and gold. Russia is continuing its policy of abandoning the dollar and transferring its assets into other currencies, the French newspaper …
Press TV Israeli warplanes bombed the Sawarkah family home early Thursday morning, killing eight members of the same family, including five children. end
RT America Investigative journalist Ben Swann joins Scottie Nell Hughes to discuss demands by House minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-California) that ABC News answer for its alleged spiking of a story about infamous pedophile Jeffrey Epstein out of deference to Buckingham Palace. end
CGTN Violent fanatics are assaulting people in the streets of Hong Kong while corporate media cheers them on as “pro-democracy” and oligarchs cash in. American independent filmmaker Dan Cohen explains how the U.S. meddling machine is ramping up the Cold War with China. end
Arcadia Economics #JimWillie: #Gold and #Silver Moonshot, BankFailures, #QE to Infinity With no end to #FederalReserve easing in sight, what will the reaction be in the gold and silver markets? Jim Willie, editor of #TheHatTrick Letter on The talks about whether we might see a moonshot in the precious metals markets, the possibility of …
Lionel Nation #LionelNation #Conspiratorium #PrinceAndrew Here’s precisely and exactly how you can join and attain special #LionelNation Membership status that allows a bevy of perquisites, benefits and accoutrements of select status.… In #LionelNation there’s only simple truth, one requisite. Verity. Bold, brash and naked. There are no political parties, no predetermined direction or cause. …
Arcadia Economics #JimWillie: #USTreasuries Are The New Sub-Prime Bond While the Federal Reserve has yet to fully explain what the problem is that’s requiring more printed money than during the quantitative easing programs, Jim Willie, editor of #TheHatTrickLetter on, has been forecasting it years in advance. He’s been explaining why foreign countries are walking …
Bolivia Adds to the Ranks of Global Political Chaos by Michael Krieger, Two days before Bolivian president Evo Morales was pushed out by the country’s military, Mark Weisbot of the Center for Economic and Policy Research penned a warning about what was happening, and what might unfold, in a Nation article titled, The Trump Administration Is …
Trump Impeachment And The Civil War Scenario by Brandon Smith, There has been a lot of talk the past year about a civil war in the US, so much so that even the mainstream media is pushing the concept lately. A poll from Rasmussen in 2018 claimed that 31% of US voters believed that America …