Aug 5 Protests Bring Hong Kong to a Halt
- CNA Published on Aug 5, 2019
Chaos at Hong Kong’s train stations, clashes on the streets and tear gas fired – the city came to an unprecedented standstill on Monday as protests escalated. Read more:
– - Hong Kong is going to hell. Peaceful protests are OK. But it is quite clear there are agitators who are inflaming the situation and making peaceful protests impossible. Peaceful protesters should not allow themselves to fall into mob psychology of unnecessary violence. Hong Kong people attacking Hong Kongers is the dumbest behavior. Hong Kong will crash and burn. Hong Kongers will not benefit.
– - The reality is: China DOES NOT need Hong Kong. If Hong Kong collapses, what consequence, negative impact … are there on China? Not much at all, if any. The only reason why China will not allow Hong Kong (and Taiwan) to break away is because it will cause the breaking apart of China. Ie. many regions/cities may follow suit.
– - The reverse however, is NOT true. Hong Kong NEEDS China. Its economy is dependent on China. Its future is China.
– - If China intervenes now forcefully, violently … it will be bad press, bad PR … for the Central government. It will foment more hatred in Hong Kongers against Beijing. I am not saying the Beijing Central government won’t intervene. I am saying the central government may allow the situation to deteriorate even further to make the case for intervening more compelling for Hong Kongers. Ie. the situation may become so bad that more Hong Kongers will prefer a return to stability and law and order on the streets via Beijing intervention.
– - It is better for Hong Kongers to adopt a more pragmatic approach to China. Not an idealistic one. There are CIA elements fomenting unrest and executing destabilization color revolution against China.
An usual CIA operation in #hongkong wake up HK, you're being used! Don't forget who's controlling FB and Twitter
— Timothy Bao (@TimothyBao) August 4, 2019
CIA COLOR REVOLUTION IN PROGRESS: Western Powers Turning Hong Kong Into A War Zone (Photos)