Why & How Fiat Wealth Freezes by Lynette Zang
- ITM Trading Published on May 8, 2019
Link to Slides and Sources: https://www.itmtrading.com/blog/liqui…
Ignorance of financial plumbing does not make you immune, it just leaves your fiat wealth vulnerable to confiscation. If you can see the risk and what the smartest guys on money are doing for themselves, you can emulate them and most likely be in the best position when the next financial crisis becomes apparent. In 2011 Venezuela kicked off a wave of global gold repatriation. Austria, Germany, Turkey, Hungary and Romania (partial list) have either begun or completed bringing their gold home at the same time they are accumulating gold near the highest levels in history. Why? I think it’s because of two key reasons:
1. They know the financial plumbing is critically fragile
2. IF YOU DON’T HOLD IT, YOU DON’T OWN IT I own it, do you?