Emboldened By Trump’s Move on Golan, Netanyahu To Annex West Bank If Re-Elected: Report
- Emboldened By Trump’s Move on Golan, Netanyahu To Annex West Bank If Re-elected: Report
by https://www.telesurenglish.net/
Israel PM Netanyahu will possibly announce Jewish illegal settlements as Israeli territories with U.S. backing if re-elected.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will possibly declare illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank as Israeli territory if re-elected on the April 9 elections, according to a report by The Times of Israel published Wednesday.
After the United States recognized the annexed Israel Occupied Golan Heights as Israeli territory Monday, Netanyahu told reporters the decision of the U.S. President Donald Trump reiterates “a very important principle in international life: When you start wars of aggression, [and] you lose territory, do not come and claim it afterward. It belongs to us.”
He also said during his trip back home, “Everyone says you can’t hold an occupied territory, but this proves you can. If occupied in a defensive war, then it’s ours.”
However, the 1967 Arab-Israel war during which Israel occupied the Golan Heights, was not a defensive war for Israel. It all started with Israel’s surprise attack on Egypt. Even the United Nations Security Council considers the territory as acquisition by war. And, there is a fear that in absence of the support of international law, Israel will militarily annex the West Bank.
David Horovitz, The Times of Israel’s founding editor, spoke to various sources close to both the leaders of Israel and the U.S. who said that Netanyahu does have in mind a partial annexation of the occupied West Bank.
The major settlement blocs such as the Etzion Bloc, Ma’aleh Adumim, and Ariel will possibly be annexed with some degree of U.S. backing and support of Israels, the sources told Horovitz of Netanyahu’s plans.
A recent poll by Haaretz found out that 42 percent people backed full or partial annexation of West Bank, while 27 percent supported full annexation and 15 percent went for partial. Only 28 percent of people opposed any kind of annexations.
The move on Golan Heights by the Trump admin and any future action by the Israeli state against the West Bank would not affect the legal status of such territories in the eye of international law, Ramzy Baroud, a Palestinian professor and the editor of Palestine Chronicle, told teleSUR.
“In 2004, the International Court of Justice rendered its opinion regarding the Israeli Apartheid Wall, which effectively annexed large areas of the West Bank, by reaffirming the legal status of the Occupied Palestinian Territories as illegally occupied by Israel in violation of international law,” Baroud said.
“Nothing has changed since then and nothing will change as far as international law is concerned, even if Israel, emboldened by Washington’s blind support, annexes the whole of the West Bank.”
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“Another widely accepted Zionist myth … that in 1967 Israel faced an existential threat … countless books have been written … in Hebrew, English, Arabic …. documentaries have been filmed .. disproving this completely! The purpose of the war was conquest!”
– Miko Peled 5:50 onwards