Mobile World Congress Demos Live Microchip Implants For Bank Payments
- Mobile World Congress Demos Live Microchip Implants For Bank Payments
The buzz around microchip implants was ratcheted up a notch recently with a demonstration at the World Mobile Congress in Barcelona where a man volunteered to to have a chip inserted under his skin, and another showed off how to make payments using his chip insert.
One of the volunteers, Edgar Pons said he decided to have an RFID chip implanted under his skin because it contained credentials to open the door to his house. Reuters quoted him, saying; “It is super, for me, very useful, because I have an automatic house.”
As Pons was undergoing the procedure, Alex Rodriguez Vitello, a physicist, engineer, curator and explorer at Barcelona-based technology company Alpha, said;
“The chip is the size of a grain of sand or two and it’s covered in a material that is biocompatible so our body doesn’t degrade it over time.”
During the presentation at the MWC 2019 — organized by Spanish bank Sabadell, a man named Pau who had already been fitted with a chip, made a payment by placing his smartphone over the skin covering the chip.
“What we have been seeing now is what the future of payments could be,” said Anna Puigoriol, a financial services manager at Sabadell.
This chip implant is the same technology that allows you to use Apple Pay or Samsung Pay at more technologically inclined outlets today. Banks are considering its deployment but are proceeding cautiously due to privacy and tech concerns.
At one time, the idea that large numbers of people would willingly allow themselves to have microchips implanted into their hands seemed a bit crazy, but now it has become a reality. Thousands of tech enthusiasts all across Europe have already had microchips implanted, and now a Swedish company is working with very large global employers to implement this on the corporate level.
In fact, Biohax recently told one of the biggest newspapers in the UK that they have been talking with a “major financial services firm” that has “hundreds of thousands of employees”… Biohax, a Swedish company that provides human chip implants, told the Telegraph it was in talks with a number of UK legal and financial firms to implant staff with the devices.
One prospective client, which cannot be named, is a major financial services firm with “hundreds of thousands of employees.”
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