Training Jihad (Again): Pentagon Peace Deal Proposes “Job Opportunities” For Taliban

- Training Jihad (Again): Pentagon Peace Deal Proposes “Job Opportunities” For Taliban
by Tyler Durden,
How much worse can America’s eighteen year long “forever war” in Afghanistan get? This is not The Onion, but Pakistan’s major English language daily, The Dawn citing Pentagon reports: “Eager to persuade Taliban to join the Afghan peace process, the United States is offering them a safety network that includes creating job opportunities for the insurgents.”
This is part of a new Pentagon peace process plan to “rehabilitate the rebels” and directly engage the notorious jihadist group. In a statement which exposes the utter futility and hypocrisy of the whole “war on terror” post-9/11 narrative, the Pentagon proposal submitted to Congress this week attempts to defend the offer by noting the Taliban will only lay down its weapons “if they have an opportunity to earn enough money to provide for their families.” According to the Pentagon draft plan cited in The Dawn:
Although some members of the Taliban may be weary of fighting and ready to lay down their weapons, they will only rejoin society if they believe their safety and the safety of their families are guaranteed, and if they have an opportunity to earn enough money to provide for their families.
read more.

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