Russia Sends Largest Naval Armada Of Syrian War Amidst New Chemical Attack Warnings, Reports of Imminent US Attack
- Russia Sends Largest Naval Armada Of Syrian War Amidst New Chemical Attack Warnings
by Tyler Durden,
We observed previously after John Bolton’s threat late this week of “greater military force” should chemical weapons allegations emerge against Damascus, that a familiar pattern has long been in play on Syria: just when it appears the jihadists are on the brink of final defeat, and as stability is returning after seven years of grinding war, something happens to bring things right back to the brink of global crisis and escalation.
Authored and submitted by Leith Aboufadel via Al Masdar News,
Russia sends largest naval armada of Syrian War in response to reports of imminent US attack
Russia has built up its forces around the Mediterranean Sea in response to reports that the U.S., France, and Great Britain could be preparing to attack Syria after US National Security Advisor John Bolton informed Russia that America is prepared to respond with greater military force than it has used against Assad’s regime in the past, according to Bloomberg.
According to Yoruk Isik of the Bosphorus Observer, the Russian Navy has sent another armada of ships towards Syria’s territorial waters in order to increase the strength of their forces around the country.
Isik said that the powerful Russian warships, Admiral Grigorovich and Admiral Essen class frigate, were spotted transiting the Bosphorus Strait en route to the Port of Tartous.
This latest move by the Russian Navy comes just 24 hours after they sent three ships en route to the Port of Tartous in western Syria.
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