UN Slams Unilateral US Sanctions on Iran
- PressTV Published on Aug 22, 2018
The office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has strongly criticized the unilateral US sanctions against Iran. According to the special rapporteur on the negative impact of the unilateral coercive measures, sanctions shouldn’t lead to the suffering of the people of the targeted nation. Idris Jazairy said the UN charter specifically calls for the re-imposition of sanctions only by the Security Council because such measures must be based on lawful grounds. The UN diplomat added that the harmful and unjust US sanctions are destroying Iran’s economy and putting the lives of millions of Iranians at risk. The lead expert of the Geneva-based UN body, however, praised the international community for rejecting what he called the US economic bullying. He stressed that the international community must not allow the world become a battle ground for a generalized economic war.