Jim Willie: A Default Is Coming Because They Are OUT OF GOLD In London
- Jim Willie: A Default Is Coming Because They Are OUT OF GOLD In London
by https://www.silverdoctors.com/
Jim says London is importing gold because they have none, and soon, the ‘Oil-Yuan-Gold Triangle’ will cause a major default. Here’s more…
Editor’s Note: Our gold trade note, death of the petro-dollar, US dollar collapse, and petroyuan pages are just a few of our pages with more information about the unfolding rise of the petroyuan and death of King Dollar. Be sure to explore those pages for more information related to the current global debt-based fiat currency system.
Jim Willie interviewed on Future Money Trends :
Jim Willie of Goldenjackass.com shares his predictions for 2018, Jim’s predictions cover what we can expect for bonds, gold and the US Dollar and much more. TOPICS IN THIS INTERVIEW:
* Jim Willie’s predictions for 2018
* Death blow of the US Dollar
* What happens to Gold and Silver
* The transition and adjustment of world reserve currencies
* Gold suppression and rise in the Swiss currency
* Is Bitcoin a solution to the economic problems?