Endgame Iran? Saudi-Led ‘Arab NATO’ Paves Way for Regional Showdown
- Endgame Iran? Saudi-Led ‘Arab NATO’ Paves Way for Regional Showdown
by https://www.rt.com/
Muhammad bin Salman has been kicking up a lot of sand since being made Saudi Crown Prince in June and heir apparent to the throne. Unfortunately, his latest initiative, an ‘Arab NATO,’ promises to be just as successful as his other efforts to date.
If the world escapes the latest brainchild of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS) with nothing more serious than a regional fender-bender we should count our lucky stars.
In December 2015, MbS, serving as the youngest-ever Saudi defense minister, first trumpeted the idea of a ‘Muslim Alliance’ built along the lines of a NATO-style military bloc. Because the 29-member, US-led military bloc is such a positive role model, right? The Saudi variety called for a pan-Islamic coalition of 41 countries allegedly dedicated to fighting Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.
Smoldering in the background of this doomed-to-fail project was Yemen, where a civil war continues to rage between multiple players, including not least of all Saudi Arabia, with the assistance of the United States (On Sunday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry accused the US of being “complicit, and responsible for” Saudi Arabia’s “crimes against Yemen”).
However, with ISIS largely neutralized in Syria, and Saudi intervention in Yemen creating a humanitarian nightmare, it probably came as little surprise that one of the first duties of the ‘Muslim Alliance’ was to hire the services of Burson-Marsteller, a New York-based public relations firm, to polish the image before putting out the awning. To briefly sum up the work of this international PR firm, Rachel Maddow described it best when she quipped, “When evil needs public relations, evil has Burson-Marsteller on speed dial.”
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