Here Comes The Move Out Of Cryptocurrency And Into Gold & Gold Stocks
- Here Comes The Move Out Of Cryptocurrency And Into Gold & Gold Stocks
Jeff Berwick of the Dollar Vigilante is starting to take profits from cryptocurrency and invest them into the gold sector. Here’s the details…
Jeff Berwick interviewed on Palisade Radio
Jeff has been surprised by just how good the crypto space has done this year. He was telling everyone to buy bitcoin back in 2011 and has continued to recommend it. Jeff compares cryptocurrencies to the beginning of the Internet. It feels like we are entering the Internet 3.0 and Wall Street seems to be finally catching on. The bitcoin market is still tiny, and if it ever gets valued anywhere near gold, it will still go up thousands of percent. The entire thing is bizarre and mind-blowing.
He didn’t expect his bitcoin price target to more than double this year nor did he expect alt-coins to do so well. The space is volatile, and crashes are to be expected, but overall he is still quite bullish.
It’s tough to tell where we are at but very few people seem to own any bitcoin. Some individuals seem to be piling in, but when you look at valuations, they are still low quite at around 220 billion dollars. This is far less than the valuations for Facebook or Apple.
Just like most gold bugs he also wants to get rid of central banks and fiat currencies. Cryptocurrencies are exciting as they have the potential to help facilitate that change. If we can turn things around the world will be a much better place.
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