A Totalitarian Europe Now on Our Doorstep

- Emphasis mine:
- A Totalitarian Europe Now on Our Doorstep
by Julian Rose, https://www.activistpost.com/
Quietly, without most people noticing, the European Commission is moving ahead with a strategy that will arguably make the EU into the first fully operational model of a centralised ‘one state’ supranational authority: ‘A New World Order’; the longstanding neoconservative ambition which lies at the heart of global secret society agendas and US geopolitical hegemony.
The key ingredient of this strategy is the establishment of an ‘EU Treasury’ which, according to Donald Tusk, President of the EU Council, will come into effect in June 2018, under the official title: European Monetary Fund. This will result in the single point control of all EU member state finances.
The plan will involve a further leveraging of the power of the major banks, to consolidate their controlling influence over EU affairs. By combining an ‘EU Treasury’ and a consolidation of banking power, a major step will be taken in the ‘amalgamation of everything’ heist; to be brought under the single umbrella of a Totalitarian Super State. We are talking about individual country’s monetary policies; the military; police forces and intelligence services all being run from a central control unit in Brussels. These will be followed by more of the same – covering almost all areas of administrative control, that were once the domain of individual countries.
The institution at the forefront of this power grab is the Bank for International Settlements, based in Basel, Switzerland, which has global outreach and acts as a funnel for the acquisition and distribution of vast sums of globally fluid international money.
The Bank of International Settlements was established by approximately eight thousand hedge fund managers with a common ambition to rule the world. The majority are Luciferians working with what, in another essay, I have called ‘anti-life’ energies. They inform the World Bank and the IMF how much money supply will be available from year to year and what the spending parameters will be.
Next in line come the central banks: the European Central Bank, The Federal Bank of the USA, the Bank of England, etc. And below these come the first tiers of involvement of national governments and, by extension, the further banking institutions of each country. Thus government and national treasuries are relegated to being fourth down from the top of the power pyramid which controls most of our lives from day to day. Government, in too many cases, is just a vector for the advancement of corporate ambition.
The establishment of a European Union Treasury will mean that a pan European tax gathering institution is given control over all member states – superseding the already diluted role played by national treasuries to administer the economies of sovereign nation states.
read more.
