Clif High: Crypto Currencies Break Loose, then Gold & Silver
- Crypto Currencies Show Global Reset Underway – Clif High
by Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Internet data mining expert Clif High has just finished an in-depth dive on crypto currencies such as Bitcoin. High uses what he calls “predictive linguistics” to spot trends and make predictions for future events. With the latest price spikes in so-called blockchain type crypto currencies, what does Clif High see with his latest Internet mining report? High reveals, “We are not at a period of time where we are valuing one store of wealth, Bitcoin against a store of debt, the dollar. We are, instead, looking at an episode of hyperinflation. It is an episode where a great many people lose faith in the dollar, and they rush into Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. . . . There are people coming in and out of the crypto space based on the degrading levels of confidence in the U.S. dollar. So, we are at a global currency reset at this point. There will be no Bretton Woods conference. There will be no G-7 central bank meeting that will be meaningful because these individuals are behind the curve. The curve is being led by all the people as they lose confidence in all of the fiat currencies. . . . We have demonstrable proof that the managers of the dollar are very bad at it. Lots of people understand this, and they want out of the dollar and into something else.”
On charges things like Bitcoin are nothing more than a Ponzi scheme, High rebuts, “We are at a flux point where one system is dying off and we are just about to head into the other one. As we go into that transition, this point of time we are in right now is where all of this is coming up, all the froth, all of the corruption globally, because we can’t pay for it any more with dying dollars. You can’t bribe people with dying dollars. We have to have good solid money, and we are developing it on our own because the sovereigns failed us. When the sovereigns failed to supply wheat, then the French Revolution happened and off with their heads. We can’t take being starved by a bunch of butt heads at the top. “We the People” can tolerate a great deal, but the body politic is self-correcting. . . . In this case, we have decided the butt heads in charge of the Fed and body politic have to go because those guys are just too corrupt, too criminal, and they are in our way. . . . Both the dollar and the banks are doomed, and I am not messing with those.”
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