EU Bans Islamic Headscarf, Sparking Angry Protest From Soros-Funded Group
- Illuminist social engineer, George Soros, fomenting unrest throughout the world. This is not about Islamic freedom, headscarf wearing … it is about fomenting division, conflicts, wars, violence … in society. These social engineers will get their ‘Christian’ people to burn Korans and then get their ‘Muslim’ people to burn Bibles. Which side are these Illuminists on? Not Christian nor Muslim. They are on the side of Satan.
– - EU Bans Islamic Headscarf, Sparking Angry Protest From Soros-Funded Group
by Tyler Durden,
A ruling by the European Union’s top court on Tuesday, which allows companies to bar staff from wearing Islamic headscarves and other visible religious symbols, has set off a storm of complaint from rights groups and religious leaders. With its first ruling on a hot political issue across Europe, the Court of Justice (ECJ) has found that a Belgian firm which had a rule barring employees who dealt with customers from wearing visible religious and political symbols “may not have discriminated” against a receptionist dismissed for wearing a headscarf.
The judgment came on the eve of a Dutch election in which Muslim immigration is a key issue; in several weeks France also votes for a president in a similarly charged campaign. Piggybacking on the ruling, scandal-ridden French candidate, conservative Francois Fillon, hailed the ruling as “an immense relief” that would contribute to “social peace”.
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