The United Nations Admit Chemtrails Are REAL In Stunning Video Report!
- The United Nations Admit Chemtrails Are REAL In Stunning Video Report!
All across the world, airplanes have been flying through the skies leaving a murky white trail behing them that just doesn’t seem to dissapear. It is no doubt that almost everyone has noticed this when looking up.
These trails airplanes are leaving behind are referred to as Chemtrails. We should no longer ignore the fact that our air is being polluted with aluminum, arsenic, barium, barium, lead, chromium, cadmium, selenium, and silver.
Each one attributing to different health problems such as; Neurological effects, heart issues, Immune System damage, eyesight issues, Damaged kindly and liver, hormonal problems and reproduction complications.
Governments are lying to the people saying they are nothing more than mere vapor. When the truth is they are spraying these chemical trails in hopes to reduce the population. They are also using these chemtrails as biological testing agents on the populace.
In the video above Rosalind Peterson The President of Agriculture Defense Coalition addresses the United Nations on Chemtrails, Geoengineering and weather modification. (HAARP) Giving us 100 % proof of the corrupt world we live in.
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