Will The October Surprise Be More Shocking Than Everyone Expects? Something Is Brewing And It Might Be The Catalyst That Ignites The Economic Collapse
- Published on Sep 21, 2016
FBI searching for two other individuals that might have seen the FBI plant the explosives. US Government pushing race wars in Charlotte NC.US and South Korea are practicing on how to attack a nuclear facility. Russia contacted the US twice about the attack on Syrian forces. Russia shows a terrorist vehicle riding along side the humanitarian aid convoy. Russia also reports the US had a drone in the air. Russia wants an impartial investigation into what happened. Turkey will extend the war in Syria. Russia has changed the rules of engagement, any plane that approaches and attacks Syria is fair game. John Kerry pushes the agenda of a no fly zone in Syria.
- Published on Sep 21, 2016
34% of Americans have $0 saved up. The US Government manipulated the wage earnings for the elections and to keep the illusion alive that economy recovered. Gallup CEO destroys the idea that the economy has improved and recovered. US freight and rail traffic has declined which shows the economy is continually deteriorating. Corporations are hoarding 2.5 trillion dollars overseas. Something massive is about to happen, the dollar is rising and the last time we saw that was the BREXIT.