Former Kissinger CEO Says The World Is Run By 30 Families

- These are, of course, the Satanic bloodlines, the seed of the serpent. Their organization chart is bottom of post.
– - Former Kissinger CEO Says The World Is Run By 30 Families
by Hiduth,
Former Kissinger CEO Says The World Is Run By 30 Families – A former CEO for Henry Kissinger has said that he believes just 30 families run the world, and that these families are the driving force behind the New World Order. David Rothkopf, author of ‘Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making,’ and former CEO of Kissinger Associates, says that 30 families and their 6,000 minions control the entire human race of six billion people.
His findings mirror a study conducted by the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich which found that a mere 147 corporations (out of 40,000 studied) had real power and influence in the world economy. All of these 147 companies had interlocking Boards of Directors.
Video Rebel’s Blog reports:
Currently, this One World Corporatocracy uses the United States and the European Union to consolidate and wield power over the entire globe. But there are vulnerabilities in the world of Wall Street Globalism. The EU appears to be disintegrating. The ECB (European Central Bank) under the ex-Goldman Sachs VP Mario Draghi seems to be as suicidal as His Japanese counterpart. And America is stretched thin by its constant warfare. Russia Today said the US had military operations in 134 countries in 2014. Wikileaks, Snowden and others have revealed way more truth than the public can digest. The US has been funding Al Qaeda and ISIS. And now Putin has shown his superiority by being able to actually find ISIS and bomb them into oblivion.
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