Why Didn’t The Murder of 3,000 Cause a Rift Between US & Saudis? – 9/11 Widow on JASTA Opposition
- Published on Sep 9, 2016
The US House of Representatives has passed a bill allowing Americans to sue Saudi Arabia over 9/11, days before the attack’s 15th anniversary. The measure passed without objection or opposition, but the White House is threatening a veto. For more on this, RT America’s Manila Chan is joined by Kathleen Owens, whose husband was lost at the World Trade Center’s North Tower.
– - The Saudis are NOT the head for the 9/11 operation. They are now being thrown under the bus ie. sacrificing a pawn to protect the head. How do you find the snake head? Look for the people/nation who flies a Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram flag.