Germany Says EU-US TTIP Talks Have Failed
- Published on Aug 28, 2016
Negotiations on the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Trade talks between the U.S.nd the European Union have failed. The German economy minister says he believes the TTIP talks have failed although nobody has admitted it. Sigmar Gabriel says the two sides have held 14 rounds of talks, but have failed to agree on even one single common chapter during the negotiations. The two sides have been discussing 27 chapters since 2013 when the talks started. The TTIP has faced significant opposition from European companies, organizations and farmers. Opponents of any such deal further increased after Greenpeace published over 200 pages of the preliminary text of the deal back in May.
– - This is great news. The TTIP (and TPP) is the foundation for the Luciferian New World Order, World Government led by the Anti-Christ. However, knowing the Satanic cabal’s methods, the Illuminati will not give up and will most likely use ‘brute force’ to push this through. Ie. engineer WW3 to kill all the people, obstacles … to their Luciferian New World Order.
