Dr. Jim Willie: The Next Systemic Lehman Event!

- Summer in Turdistan
by Turd Ferguson, http://www.tfmetalsreport.com/ , 27 May 2016
The Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of summer here in the U.S. This also means that another 3-day weekend is upon us and you know what that means. It’s Jackass season! Because we didn’t have quite as much time as usual to record, I decided to ask The Jackass to pontificate on three primary points:
1. The idea that China and the other creditor nations will one day use gold as the basis of international trade through the issuance of gold-backed trading notes.
2. The concept of a spilt U.S. dollar where an “international” dollar co-exists with a domestic “scheiss” dollar.
3. The growing regulator crackdown on Banks, specifically Bafin and other European regulators tightening the screws on banks such as DeutscheBank.
I think you’ll enjoy listening to this podcast and I hope that you have a safe and relaxing holiday weekend.
- The Next Systemic Lehman Event
by Jim Willie CB, GoldenJackass.com, via http://www.goldseek.com/
The entire Western financial systemic, complete with USDollar-based foundation platforms, is breaking down. The breakdown is in full view, very noticeable, in almost every arena. What happened in 2008 with the Lehman Brothers failure event is currently underway with almost every single financial platform, structural entity, financial market, banking structure, and arena. In response to the Lehman killjob event, where JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs strangled the victim firm (by denying Lehman proceeds on countless asset sales), the entire Western financial system has been lashed together, tied together, and connected among its many member parts. The main parts are the big banks, which use derivative contracts to lash themselves together. They believe there is strength in numbers, which is true to some extent. But the consequence turns out to be that all will fail at the same time in a cascade of insolvent marred by illiquidity while steeped in corruption and market rigging.The breakdown could be described as having begun in full force, in earnest power, at the start of this 2016 year. This is the year of systemic failure, or financial breakdown, and of revelations of important crimes for the last generation or more. The revelations are against the Western power centers for their grand criminal activities. The East, by favoring a Gold Standard, has put the West on notice for exposure, if not prosecution. The gold weapon has power in its arbiter role in commerce, banking, and economies. No nation will be spared from the urgent nasty effects of being forced to achieve trade balance.
Bill Holter issued red alert warning: this is your last chance! Extreme distress and disruption is coming to the united states economy, businesses, politics, society, and community affairs. Bill Holter is associated with JSMineset, alongside Jim Sinclair. He is formerly from Miles Franklin, where he might have become too controversial in his very appropriate but unconventional views. Holter offers an extreme warning for people of the United States, that a series of nasty events is coming. Holter warns that the events will be so disruptive and historical without precedent, that recovery will be extremely difficult without proper preparation. This warning is the latest in a long string of such detailed specific warnings, as a result of the systemic breakdown and urgent official actions to come. The Jackass agrees with 97% of his message, a true red alert warning.
A shocking $100 billion in Glencore debt has emerged, linked to commodity derivatives. The next Lehman has been spotted in the commodity trading arena, if not the gold mining sector. Similar exposure is cited for other large players, to reveal a potential half $trillion hole in energy finance. The global financial crisis is set to endure a redux of Lehman in a systemic event, as commodity derivatives reveal a major hole in the financial picture. The huge gaps of insolvency have nothing to do with mining project shutdowns, except perhaps indirectly. They are more directly related to lower commodity prices, in an immediate effect.
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