NATO Nuclear War Hype Goes Ballistic

- NATO Nuclear War Hype Goes Ballistic
by Jim Dean,
… While I am credited as the creator of the byline “You just can’t make this stuff up”, I must now add an addendum to that, the NATO exception, because they make it up all the time.
And, just when we figure they have flogged the Russian Bear threat to death, almost as badly as the retired Iran nuclear weapon threat, here we have British General Shirreff, former Deputy Supreme Comr. for NATO, pitching his fictional book about a nuclear war with Russia, in 2017 mind you, and over the Baltics no less.
This is the kind of ploy that an Intelligence agency would use to seed a repetitive fear message into the public’s consciousness via a series of high ranking officials to give support to a geopolitical psyops game they are running. We now have General Shirreff as a book end to American General Breedlove, who told us all about the amassed Russian army on Ukraine’s eastern border that was ready to sweep across Ukraine in three days.
The only problem with that tall tale was that despite Moscow’s holding long planned exercises in the area, none of the experienced observers who attended ever reported seeing this invasion army. Since that day, we have had a never ending echo chamber of claims of Russian aggression toward Europe, but where no one felt it was necessary to provide any proof. General Breedlove never showed us any satellite photos of all the huge stockpiles in forward bases that could have easily be viewable for an invasion, and he never apologized for the lie.
General Shirreff was not very creative in his scare pitch. He trotted out the false claim of Russia invading Georgia when it has long been on the record that the Georgian’s began the war with a general shelling of Tskhinvali. The Wikipedia version of event is a bad joke.
The classified story has Tskhinvali being shelled on and off during the early morning of August 8th while a large commando unit from a 3rd country was taking out the Russian peacekeepers positions and light armor to clear the way for the victorious Georgian army to roll in when dawn came. The visiting commandos flew home that morning and were not around when the Russians took their airfield base a few days later.
I share this with you because Shirreff trotted this out in his propaganda recital during his BBC interview, “He [Putin] has invaded Georgia, he has invaded the Crimea, he has invaded Ukraine. He has used force and got [sic] away with it.” And then the general dropped his nuclear bomb, “The chilling fact is that, because Russia hardwires nuclear thinking and capability to every aspect of their defense capability, this would be nuclear war.”
Shirreff was playing off ex-NATO General Wesley Clark’s tooting the Russian nuclear threat horn earlier in May to CNN with this silly comment, “They are using nuclear weapons in their military exercise as a means of deescalating a conflict, as though they could fire a nuclear weapon at, say, Warsaw, and then NATO would say, “Oh, my goodness, we did not know you really mean it,” the former NATO commander said.
These media interviews are all theater staging. NATO knows that Russia will be responding to the military moves to its borders and will use its advantage of internal lines of communication and whatever firepower needed to defend itself. After all, it is the US that changed its defense doctrine to include first strikes for really any reason it chose, giving itself a blank check. And this was done under Clinton in peacetime, mind you.
When Russia makes deployments to counter moves NATO has made, we will have maybe even these same generals doing more interviews that those moves are proof of Russia’s aggressive intentions. More than a few American military and intelligence people are embarrassed by this cheap manipulation of the public. The Russian threat is as non-existent as the Iran nuclear one that our Veterans Today’s nuclear expert Clinton Bastin, 40 years with the Dept. of Energy, debunked for us in detail before he died.
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