Rob Kirby: Dollar Going to be Kicked Off its Perch. Global Elite Making Preparations for Post Dollar World
- Global Elite Making Preparations for Post-Dollar World
by Greg Hunter’s
Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says his rich clients around the planet are bracing for an inevitable economic calamity. Kirby explains, “The people I know, that I would say are at the higher level of the food chain in the global world of finance, are hunkered down and making very serious preparations. What I see on a macro level is people acting like squirrels preparing for winter. They are burying nuts and gathering as much physical precious metals as they can. They are making preparations for a post-dollar world in terms of world reserve currency.”
On news that there are more than 540 paper claims for every ounce of Gold at COMEX, Kirby contends, “There are 540 claims for every ounce of gold at the COMEX vault. My question to you is what happens if that gold is in fact leased metal? Then, the 540 becomes 1,080, and what if it has been leased two times? Then, it becomes 2,160. So, the number of claims for every ounce of gold may be many factors higher than even 540.”
Kirby goes on to say, “I have been writing consistently for the past 12 years that if you are going to own gold, you need to own it physically. If you own precious metals, and you can’t physically go and touch it, then it’s highly dubious whether you have clear title on any physical metal at all. This is the reason why I am such a strong advocate of owning your own stash. My gut tells me, in the very near term, people are going to find out what they really hold. The tide is going out, and we’re going to find out who is wearing bathing suits pretty darn soon. . . . This is building to some sort of climactic event that will blow. It’s sort of like putting baking soda and vinegar together. You know what’s going to happen, and if it take a few extra seconds to pop, then so be it. In economic terms . . . the big question is not whether they can keep making things appear pseudonormal for next few days, weeks or months . . . the outcome is absolutely cemented in stone.” The real question you should be asking is . . . do you want to own fire insurance? It’s a mathematical certainty your house is going to burn to the ground.”
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