You Can Thank Jimmy Carter And Bill Clinton for North Korea’s Nukes

- You can either believe what the MSM is selling you: ‘North Korea is a great enemy of United States’ or what I tell you: both North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and the leaders of United States belong to the same: “I Love Satan club”.
– - North Korea is under the control of the western Illuminati which also controls the West. Kim Jong-Un is a controlled opposition to keep South Korea and Japan in check and in the arms of USA. If there isn’t a North Korea threat, the US-Pentagram will not have a pretext for their military bases in South Korea and Japan. Both countries can simply tell the US-Pentagram to “goto Hell”. When that happens both countries will fall back into the sphere of influence of China. Ie. the American hegemony over Asia is over. This is the real reason for all the regularly scheduled ‘North Korea Nuclear Threat’ propaganda. It is a psyop against the South Korean and Japanese sheeple so that they will be obedient to their masters: the western Illuminati.
– - Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that North Korea is incapable of launching wars or a nuclear bomb. Their nuclear technology is supplied by America and the West, this is a fact. Whatever, working nuclear bombs they have is/will be supplied by the West through western Illuminist intelligence agency: CIA.
– - The western ruling elites and their North Korean puppets are Illuminists ie. Satanists. They are not American loyalists or European loyalists or North Korean loyalists. They are Satanic. This coming Satanic WW3 is really Satan and his minions vs the Rest of Humanity. But is is sold in the MSM as: US + South Korea + Japan vs North Korea, US and allies vs China and allies, US+NATO and allies vs Russia and allies … It is all a Satanic deception to get the sheeple all over the world to hate and kill one another.
– - The real objective of these wars is to lay the foundation for the coming of the Anti-Christ, the false Messiah, bringer of false peace who will bring about “PEACE” in a world wrecked by global wars. The endpoint: Luciferian New World Order, World Government led by the Anti-Christ, Global Supra-National Central Bank –> ‘666’. It is Satanic psychological warfare.
