The Mark Of The Beast ‘666’ Is Upon Us
Published on Feb 17, 2016
Following the 2016 Davos confab, a meeting of 62 people as wealthy as the 3.6 Billion poorest half of the world’s population. Where a major theme was the future of Automation as it replaces working humans. And as more and more of the population leaves the workplace, economic growth enters a period of secular stagnation. Economist and potential future Federal Reserve Chairman Larry Summers is heralding these conditions as the perfect storm needed to transition to a cashless society.
Paul Joseph Watson writes “Summers has called for the $100 dollar bill to be phased out of circulation, becoming the latest prominent voice to advocate the elimination of cash. The inevitable mark of the beast system is fully underway:
– France introduced laws last year which restrict French citizens from making cash payments over €1,000 euros. Italy, Russia, Spain, Mexico, and Uruguay have all introduced similar laws that ban cash payments over a certain amount.
– Earlier this week, the ECB Council voted to scrap the €500 euro bill, a decision that would reduce the amount of physical cash in circulation by around 30%, despite the fact that such a move “would be negative for the currency,” according to a Bank of America analysis.
– Last month, Norway’s biggest bank DNB called for eliminating cash to “cut down on black market sales and crimes such as money laundering.”
– In August last year, the Financial Times published an editorial which called for the abolition of cash altogether to, “Make life easier for a government set on squeezing the informal economy out of existence.”
– At a secretive meeting in London last year, Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University and Willem Buiter, the Chief Economist at Citigroup met with top central bankers to discuss phasing out cash.
– Former Bank of England economist Jim Leaviss penned an article for the London Telegraph last April in which he said a cashless society would only be achieved by “forcing everyone to spend only by electronic means from an account held at a government-run bank,” which would be, “monitored, or even directly controlled by the government.”
– The ultra-powerful Bilderberg Group also discussed the agenda to ban cash during its 2015 confab in Austria, a conference attended by numerous prominent bankers.
Basically, we are witnessing the end of a strong global economy. Brought to a screeching halt by the billionaires that reaped its benefits. Now, that small elite plans to govern us all from their ivory tower. Promising socialism as a reward. Meanwhile, major banks are preparing for a bank holiday that could come at any moment. Which will freeze all of your finances as the final maelstrom begins between the cashless society of the corporatocracy running our kidnapped Government versus the defenders of our Federal Republic.

I won’t be joining!