A Rotten Turkey for Thanksgiving. The World is Heading Towards WW3!

- A Rotten Turkey for Thanksgiving
by Bill Holter, http://www.jsmineset.com/
By now you have heard the news of a Russian fighter being shot down over Turkey. There are conflicting reports as to whether the plane was in Turkish or Syrian airspace. Another unknown is whether the plane was shot down from the air or ground. Also conflicting as to whether the pilots were dead prior to landing, or executed while parachuting down or after landing. Add to this the destruction of a Russian search helicopter by an anti tank “TOW”.
The ramifications of these events are mind boggling to say the least. While sitting down to write this, a news conference between presidents Obama and Hollande is being televised. I do not want to diminish the horror of the recent attacks in Paris and Belgium but what just happened in Turkey is far more important for several reasons. Thankfully they received questions regarding the Russian shootdown (maybe they were not U.S. reporters doing the questioning?).
Please understand, no matter how you look at the downing of the Russian fighter jet, “we” did it. Turkey is a member of NATO and the weapons used are of western origin. Turkey would never have done this without a green light given to them. They cannot even say “oops, our trigger finger slipped” as they claim to have warned the Russian fighter 10 times or more. The fact that the plane crashed on Syrian land shows even if they were in Turkish airspace, they were only a driver and pitching wedge across the border and on their way out. This genie cannot ever be put back in the bottle.
Judging by President Putin’s immediate statements afterward, we can now look forward to some sort of retaliation. Most importantly, he claims “ISIS” has been selling oil into Turkey to fund their military operations. Is this true? I cannot prove or disprove it but the actions of war require funding and ISIS obviously has funding and “somehow” Western arms and munitions. No matter how you slice it, the West will now be seen in a different light both in current time and historically. I can only hope to God this does not spawn WWIII but am afraid this is exactly where it’s headed because episode pits the U.S. versus Russia directly.
The following is how I see it, “in my opinion”. I believe this episode was no mistake and was fully planned. I think the “stress” on the Western financial system is coming to a full blown head and can no longer be hidden like the crazy aunt in the basement. As I have said all along, the collapse when it comes will need “cover” to hide the real and true cause. Starting a war with Russia even as unthinkable and unwinnable for anyone as it is will only serve to cover the foundational policy flaws of the Ponzi scheme.
The West is patently broke. Our standard of living can no longer be “funded” with debt. The current negative swap rates I believe are evidence of a scarcity of collateral …the alternative being banks and brokers truly are a better credit risk than sovereign debt. We also know gold is in scarcity because the negative GOFO rates. If you look to COMEX registered inventories you will see they are almost gone and amount to 150,000 ounces heading into what is the biggest delivery month of the year. The list goes on and on but suffice it to say, no matter where you look you will see things financial and economic either in decline or collapsing. You need to “look” for yourself and past the “headlines” and BLS reportings to understand why “now”.
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Russia taking on NATO? China going to help? RD Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 01:53:35 +0000 To: rdr6@outlook.com