Will NATO Mobilize in Wake of the Paris Attack? Confrontation with Russia Over Syria Looming. Talk of Biometrics ID ‘666’ for All
- ” … the talk of Biometrics ID … you’ll probably hear this from Britain’s Home Secretary or the EU about the talk of mandatory Biometrics ID for all citizens, ending the Schengen agreement, freedom of movement within Europe …” – Quote from 7:10 onwards
– - “… Hegelian Dialectic of Problem, Reaction, Solution. What’s the only option? Is to vent anger, to be done through military organizations in the Middle East .. we can’t stop immigration .. but we can do is go bomb Syria. … reality is this is a perfect event for some kind of justification for military action.” – Quote from 9:15 onwards
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Published on Nov 13, 2015
Numerous reports are linking the devastating terrorist attacks in Paris, which left over 150 civilians dead in the French capital, to the Islamic State. But what would such a connection mean for France and, potentially, for NATO? Journalist and international analyst Patrick Henningsen talks with Sean Thomas about the global impact of the Paris attacks.
