Bombshell! Massive Drills on Same Day as The Paris Attack
Published on Nov 14, 2015
Patrick Pelloux, EMT and chronicler at Charlie Hebdo, explains on France Info radio that Paris EMTs were prepared because, “as luck would have it”, they’d planned an exercise to train for multi-site attacks on the morning of Nov 13,2015.
Le hasard a fait, pour vous dire, c’est que le matin au SAMU de Paris, avait été organisé un exercice sur des attentats multisites. Donc on était préparés. Donc ce qu’il faut voir c’est que vous aviez une mobilisation des forces de police, des pompiers, des SAMU, des associatifs qui sont venus et on a essayé de sauver le plus de monde possible.
Link to FranceInfo source:…
– - Bombshell! Massive Drills on Same Day as The Paris Attack
by Kev Baker,
Drills Running Are Great Cover For Black Ops
UPDATE 15TH NOVEMER 2015 : PARIS MASSACRE: Finally Footage Emerges Of Bataclan Theatre Shootings – CLICK HERE!!
We are now learning that there were massive drills being staged in Paris on the day of the attacks that claimed the lives of over 150 people. This is huge news because so often we see drills being carried out at the same time as real events unfold, and this of course is no coincidence.
There we drills running at the same time as the 9/11 attack, the 7/7 attacks in London and more recently on the morning of the Boston Marathon. Remember Peter Powers sitting on BBC on the morning of the 7/7 attacks nonchalantly talking about how it was a lucky coincidence that there were training drills running that morning that just so happened to be simulating the very attack that unfolded?
- By having drills, it serves a number of purposes for those pulling any strings of real events that are to unfold at the same time. Firstly, it mobilises all the emergency services and has them ready for what some know will be mass casualties.
Running drills provides cover for the few dark operatives that are in on the operation. Dont be thinking that everyone on the drills knew that there would be a real event, far from it. People taking part in the drill get confused as to whether its “real world” or “drill”.
- What may happen is that the operatives that are running the “terror attack” will move weapons and logistics under the premise that its part of the drill should they get caught & due to the compartmentalisation of these events, not anyone operative will be aware of the full plan so as not to be able to spill the beans in the event of being caught be genuine law enforcement and the spooks that are not on the inside.
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