US To Send “Thousands” Of Troops, Attack Helicopters, Artillery, To Europe To “Deter Russia”

- US To Send “Thousands” Of Troops, Attack Helicopters, Artillery, To Europe To “Deter Russia”
by Tyler Durden,
…. Yes, that’s Ash Carter in a V-22 Osprey hovering above the USS Theodore Roosevelt and that rather hilarious snapshot was taken just days before the Pentagon boss warned that Moscow may intend to nuke the US (and no, that’s not us being hyperbolic, he actually suggested that) and that Washington needs to be careful to monitor China’s “rise.”
This all comes against a backdrop of absurd sabre rattling from all sides when it comes to The South China Sea and the Baltics and frankly, it would be pure political comedy gold were it not for the fact that things have recently taken a turn for the very serious now that it looks like US spec ops could end up in a shootout with the Russians and Hezbollah near Aleppo and/or with the Iranians near Raqqa, depending on where Washington decides to place its Syrian field “advisors.”
But despite the fact that Russia has built an airbase at Latakia and looks set to literally take over the Mid-East alongside the Ayatollah, those “in the know” seem to think that the bigger threat is in Eastern Europe where NATO is hell bent on “countering” Russian “aggression,” even though to the extent The Kremlin is being “aggressive”, it certainly seems like Putin is taking it out on Sunni militants in the desert and not on far-right volunteer battalions in Ukraine.
Concerns about the potential for an epic Baltics battle have prompted officials to conduct a series of war games in an effort to determine the likely outcome, and as we noted a few months ago, the US loses everytime.
Well, in an effort to ameliorate that, “senior U.S. military leaders have proposed sending more forces into Europe on a rotating basis to build up the American presence and are stepping up training exercises to counter potential Russian interference with troop transfers in the event of a crisis with Moscow,” WSJ reports, citing the same conference Carter spoke at last week. Here’s more:
read more.
