Western Propaganda: The Incredible Instant ISIS Machine
- Western Propaganda: The Incredible Instant ISIS Machine
by Zen Gardner
Don’t people even think anymore? How can they swallow this wholesale engineered fabricated snowstorm of distorted disinformation and not see through it?
Just look squarely at this instantly appearing, highly sophisticated, fully mobile in flashy new vehicles, heavily armored ISIS machine. They’re a well supplied and coordinated organization of a supposedly bunch of radicalized Islamic rebels, pulling recruits out of the war torn rubble of a devastated Middle East almost overnight. And the supply of not just weapons but the coordination of very difficult food, water and medical logistics.
Read about any war. This was a massive problem and challenge even for highly organized and supported western nations during war campaigns in the past. (Hence the US/NATO drops of supplies to ISIS reported frequently.) To top it off, they supposedly have social media recruitment savvy and access to mass media coverage to broadcast their carefully timed staged threats and beheadings, while the all powerful NSA is stumped? Doesn’t this remind you of the hunt for Bin Laden? He was interviewed by a CNN news crew in Afghanistan during a manhunt for him before 9/11, but the mighty military had no idea where he was.
Now think of this; ISIS is reported to be taking over oil fields and production as they go – AND selling their oil to various markets for income! Now there’s a pretty sharp band of wild eyed rebels. But after all, we need to explain the obvious “support” they’re raising.
Who’s kidding who? Is anybody paying conscious attention? Yet they’re still portrayed as a rag tag, hastily assembled “uprising” of religious zealots from several nations that have suddenly become stronger and smarter than NATO and the massive western military industrial machine as they march into Syria and spread about the area.
It’s the execution of a big, bad Al Qaida cognitive dissonance redux. It’s time people snapped out of it. So very similar to boxcutter-armed students hijacking sophosticated airliners and piercing the most protected airspace in the world – 4 times in one day.
Why is this ISIS phenomenon important? Because this obvious creation is now the backbone of the drive to finish not just the takeover and restructuring of the Middle East, but is an important tool in the further subjugation of the unwitting populations of the western world.
A Typical Day in Upside Down, Mind-Controlled Dystopia
The saddest thing about all this is how the majority, of the west at least, gobbles up this pusillanimous propaganda, while over 80% of Syrians believe this is western driven, never mind millions of others worldwide who can see this for what is. The sleeping masses however figure if it fits the meme of the day and they’re saying it with apparent authority, based on “information” and “revelations” of course, therefore it must be true.
After all, to think to the contrary or in the least bit critically might flip the apple cart of self-serving convenience and draw attention to yourself from the draconian authorities. Mustn’t do that.
Now apply this type of mind numbing charade to every other aspect of this globalist roll out and you’ll start to get the picture. Engineering’s the game….unscrupulous, murderous control freaks is their name. Blow off all of the intimidation. That’s the function of it, to shut us down.
Stand up now or live the rest of your life on your knees.
And for anyone wondering, the formation of behind the scenes alliances to accomplish clandestine operations is standard operating procedure for the CIA, Mossad, MI6 or whomever. That’s what they do continually and always have. It’s the work behind the scenes, the buying off of leaders, people and movements, the skullduggery that is so prevalent in our world that you’ll never hear about. That’s why some of these naively bought off groups and individuals change their minds, give up their weapons, and get the hell back home when they find out what they’re part of – the destruction of their own at the behest of the West, Israel and complicit Arab states and that they’re just expendable fodder for someone else’s agenda.
I hope western soldiers have the same wake up call and respond accordingly. It’s no different.
Wake Up, Little Suzie, Wake Up!
I just had to take another shot at this ISIS “make believe” charade and call it for what it is–a new Al Qaeda operating at way bigger, better supplied and coordinated levels but way more obvious. Russia knows this and is wisely taking a stand there in Syria before the madness spills over to Iran, their next big target. The flatfooted, blood-blinded US is stumped about what to do. They didn’t see rationality coming into the mix when Russia said they’ll help stop ISIS. What an exposure, but again, hence the deliberate demonization of Russia in their propaganda campaign leading up to this.
Most of the world is catching on. But now they’re pushing it to new levels saying these “ISIS” influences are now infiltrating every western country, especially now via this manipulated mass migration. How convenient.
Look out for a rash of false flag domestic attacks, even more than they’ve been executing over the past several years. Their M.O. is called the “strategy of tension” at its most fundamental level. Research Operation Gladio to understand how they operate, and have been doing for a long, long time. People are much more susceptible to programming when in that fear state, leaving the manipulators free to keep calling the shots. And don’t forget to look at the Zionist Greater Israel designs. It’s very revealing.
read more.
