Dr. Jim Willie: Wreckage of the Global Bond Markets, China’s Physical Gold Accumulation …

- Dr. Jim Willie: Wreckage of the Global Bond Markets, China’s Physical Gold Accumulation …
by Turd Ferguson, http://www.tfmetalsreport.com/
Our holiday tradition continues. Please be sure to note that this extremely valuable interview is, of course, a free public thread. Over the course of this hour-long discussion, The Golden Jackass addresses two main points:
* The wreckage of the global bond markets and the damage wrought by the never-ending quantitative easing of the global central banks.
* China’s intentions behind their massive buildup of physical gold. You’ll find Jim’s rationale to be more comprehensive than that recently put forth by Jim Rickards. His reasoning is laid out in a straight-forward manner and would seem to be the best, most reasoned explanation yet of China’s motives and goals.
For those Vault subscribers that have already listened to Part One of this interview, please fast forward to the 25:00 mark to continue with Part Two. Have a great weekend and enjoy your fresh Jackass!