UN’s Middle East Envoy Warns About the Grave Situation in the Gaza Strip
Published on May 20, 2015
The United Nations is warning about the dire humanitarian situation in the besieged Gaza Strip in the wake of the latest 50-day Israeli war. UN Middle East envoy, Nickolay Mladenov, says the people in the Gaza Strip are desperate and angry about their plight. He says the extent of the devastation in Gaza following the Israeli offensive last summer was shocking. The crippling Israeli siege has also frustrated the one-point-eight million people living there. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency says about one-hundred thousand Palestinian homes were demolished during the 50-day Israeli offensive on Gaza. UN-backed international organization, Shelter Cluster, has estimated the reconstruction of Gaza will take at least 20 years.

6 The woman ran into the desert to a place that God had prepared for her. There she would be taken care of for one thousand two hundred sixty days.”
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Remember: Revelation 12:6 (CEV) 6 The woman ran into the desert to a place that God had prepared for her. There she would be taken care of for one thousand two hundred sixty days.”
The Sinai peninsula is a desert. Click on image for article!
