Jim Willie: When QE Goes Away With the Great Reset, Gold & Silver Will Be Released Like Rampaging Horses!
- Jim Willie: When QE Goes Away With the Great Reset, Gold & Silver Will Be Released Like Rampaging Horses!
by http://www.silverdoctors.com/
The agenda contracted by Obama in mid-2008 was to kill the USDollar, to wreck the USEconomy, and to install martial law with a lit race war. Mission Accomplished.
The systemic failure discussed for seven years in Jackass analysis has finally come to the fore in ugly glory. The upcoming Currency Reset will knock the nation on its keister.
When the QE goes away with the Great Reset, Gold & Silver will be released like wild rampaging horses.
Gold & Silver will be at the core of the new monetary system.
Following the Global Currency Reset, better named the Return of the Gold Trade Standard, precious metals will prevail once again.
by Jim Willie, GoldenJackass.com:
Friday was May Day, the international day of workers celebrated by most communist and deeply socialist nations. To be sure, Obama should come out of the closet with admission of not only his Muslim roots but his Marxist roots. By now, he could have easily promoted the holiday and had it moved from its longstanding September location to the May month. In honor of the holiday, the Jackass will outline the profound damage to the USEconomy, its recent destructive pressures, and the newest dynamics which assure a systemic breakdown.
The outcome is being seen in widespread job loss, business shutdowns, a new war waged each year, and civil disorder prompted by a strange phenomenon hardly ever discussed. The US police forces have been given carte blanche to conduct an extremely wide raft of criminal activity ranging from simple roadside mugging robberies, to commercial hijacks, to orchestrated public explosion events, to home invasions without warrants, to killing criminal suspects during raids, to abuse of suspects in custody, and recently in the open killing suspects in custody.A detail came to the fore recently, that the US Police Forces killed more of its own civilians in the year 2014 than the United Kingdom did in the entire 20th Century.
Time is running out on both the USEconomy and the US nation. Its very social fabric is finally being stretched and torn, as the Jackass forecast for the last three years. The triple threat will be price inflation, supply shortage, and social disorder. It is happening before your very eyes, no surprise here from Ferguson to Baltimore. The USDollar is soon to fade into oblivion. Its rise signals its demise. The hidden dismantle of the Petro-Dollar mechanism has been full of intrigue. The Gold Standard will return, but through the trade window.
The many crucial new Gold platforms are being assembled, one by one. The most recent platform in view is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which will render obsolete both the Intl Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Actually, the IMF will be useful for China to seed the global banking system with a few types of RMB-based bonds. These Chinese Yuan denominated bonds will have a few flavors, like in addition to the Chinese Govt Bonds, there might be some other sovereign bonds (like UKGovt bonds) held in RMB denomination. The Chinese took control of the IMF, not just to shut it down, but to exploit it. They have an agenda.
As the global banks place more RMB bonds in their reserves shelves, they will find the USTreasurys of no use. They will be converted conveniently to Gold bullion during the restoration phase. The Chinese hand moving the IMF part is a brilliant stroke, like an answer to the Monsanto GMO seeds. China will seed the global financial system with RMB seeds with the only genetic modification being of a golden strain and hue.
The solution to the untreated Global Financial Crisis is the gold device. The Eurasian Trade Zone will be built upon the gold route. Next soon comes the heralded Gold Trade Note used as Letter of Credit in facilitated trade.
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I wonder what you think about Harry Dent he said the Dollar will be strong and Gold will be worthless?
I don’t believe him. Gold has been money for 5000-6000 years.
The world is returning to the Gold standard.