James Corbett: China – The Key to The New World Order! Chinese Illuminati Families are Connected to the Western Illuminati Families!
- Published on Apr 27, 2015
Investigative Journalist James Corbett of the Corbett Report joins me with some very bad news about the New World Order. James says that despite the formation of the BRICS Banks, the Shanghai Gold Exchange and the new Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the International Banker’s plans to usher in their New World Order remain firmly in place and on track. How could that be when the evidence suggest that the world is moving away from the Dollar as wealth moves from West to East? Because, James says, “At the very top of this Bankster pyramid, the Chinese elite is connected directly in with the U.S. Western elite.”
James has carefully documented the “8 Immortal Families” in his report on China and the New World Order which shows how the 8 Immortals are totally connected to Henry Kissinger and the Rockefeller-Rothschild banking elite. This is the way they will lead us into a New WORLD Order.
“The West is being engineered into a world system of governance and government that can only come about through the rise of the East. It’s been puppeteered from the very start. There is no doubt that China’s rise right now is something that has been long planned for and carefully engineered.”
– - Anyone who has studied the real history of Communism knows that it is an operation of the Synagogue of Satan run out of Wall Street. Why would the Chinese accept/adopt a totally foreign, alien philosophy like Communism when the nation rejected foreigners, foreign contacts, influence and preferred to be closed to the outside world?
– - Communism was brought into China by the Synagogue of Satan with the agreement of the Dragon families ie. royal Chinese Illuminati bloodlines. Key positions like Ministry of Propaganda and Finance/Central Banking were/are controlled by the Synagogue of Satan. Why would the Chinese accept this? Because the Chinese Satanic bloodlines (‘8 Immortal Families’ – James Corbett terminology) commanded it to be so.
– - The Satanic bloodlines have all agreed to the Satanic WW3. Out of which they will introduce the Anti-Christ, the fake messiah, bringer of false peace, the white horseman of Revelation 6.
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- The late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand spent 14 years as a prisoner of the Communist government in Romania , where he was persecuted for his faith in Jesus Christ. His experience led him to spend further years researching Karl Marx and the Communist doctrines he developed. While Communism portrays itself as a noble endeavor for the good of mankind, and claims an Atheistic view, Wurmbrand exposes its true roots, revealing that Karl Marx and the fathers of the modern Communist/Socialist movements were inspired by the powers of darkness. Click here for pdf book!