Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Published on Feb 10, 2015 A massive explosion has rocked Donetsk, one locals say is far larger than the usual. Kiev based news outlets are reporting this is an artillery round exploding in a chemical depot. It apparently, “killed 200 terrorists”. Many online media outlets and ex-military are noting the similarity between this explosion …
[youtube=] Published on Feb 9, 2015 On September 23, 2014, an Italian court in Milan award compensation to a boy for vaccine-induced autism. (See the Italian document here.) A childhood vaccine against six childhood diseases caused the boy’s permanent autism and brain damage. – While the Italian press has devoted considerable attention to this …
[youtube=] Published on Feb 10, 2015 Alex Jones takes calls and hears from a former United States Marine who tells how he and the people in his unit were microchipped. end
[youtube=] Published on Feb 10, 2015 Alex Jones talks with Infowars reporter retired Army Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs about the escalating conflict in the Ukraine.… end
[youtube=] Published on Feb 10, 2015 The Russian military has begun a number of maneuvers across the country including near the Ukrainian border. Military officials say some two-thousand reconnaissance troops staged large-scale drills in the south. The soldiers practiced working with tracking devices to detect enemy movements in bad visibility. A separate maneuver is being …
How Fast Would Contagion Spread If Greece Exits The Eurozone? by Tyler Durden, Perhaps the most curious aspect of this, third, Greece “”exit crisis, is just how completely unnoticed it has gone by the capital “markets”, or rather non-Greek capital markets. Which, considering the changed dynamics of the negotiations, was to be expected. As …
Report: White House Preparing Military Response If Diplomacy With Russia Fails: “Lethal Defensive Weapons” and Other Options Being Examined! by Mac Slavo, February 9th, 2015, The world is now on the cusp of total war. This is the claim made by former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts in a recent editorial. And though …
Russia Warns U.S. Arming Ukraine Will Be Considered an Act of War! by Kurt Nimmo | Russia will respond in Ukraine and elsewhere if Obama arms Kiev regime – On Monday Obama said the United States is considering sending armaments and lethal aid to the regime in Ukraine. – Obama had previously opposed sending …
[youtube=] 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda Turned Into Vaccine Epidemic! by Medical establishment uses fake crisis to push vaccination David Knight talks about how the 1976 swine flu program was a tailor-made hoax that was designed to frighten the American people. end
[youtube=] Published on Feb 10, 2015 Greece is getting ready for an emergency meeting with its European creditors. The talks could defuse a stand-off that has set the whole of Europe on edge. end
[youtube=] Published on Feb 9, 2015 Afshin Rattansi goes underground on media misrepresentation of the situation in Ukraine. Oliver Tickell, editor of The Ecologist magazine, warns mainstream media are beating the ‘drums of war’ by portraying an inaccurate picture of Russia as the aggressor, and are part of the international security machine that enables war …
Emphasis mine: Human Creativity: The Fight That Can Change ‘The Inevitable’! by The United States and Europe, still refusing the offers of credit, investment, and scientific cooperation from China and the BRICS-allied nations, are in a grave dual crisis. They face a war confrontation with Russia — which, all sane citizens recognize, means a …
[youtube=] Published on Feb 9, 2015 Over 500 rabbis call to Netanyahu to stop demolition of Palestinian homes in the West Bank. [youtube=] Published on Feb 8, 2015 More than 400 rabbis from around the world including Israel have slammed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for demolishing Palestinian homes. The group ‘Rabbis for Human Rights’ …
Jordan is, of course, controlled by the western Illuminati. This is not about fighting ISIS (aka CIA cough cough). It is about destabilizing Iraq which have elected a Shiite(Shia) government (ie. aligned to Iran which is also Shiite Muslims). The western Illuminati controls the Sunni Muslim world (ie. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt …. ). Al …
Alan Greenspan: “Greece Will Leave The Eurozone” And “There Is No Way That I Can Conceive Of The Euro Continuing”! by Tyler Durden, Every two weeks or so on average, we ask ourselves: why do central bankers only tell the truth after they have quit their post (rhetorically, of course). The last time it …
Greece’s leaders stun Europe with escalating defiance! by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, “The euro is like a house of cards. If you pull away the Greek card, they all come down,” says Yanis Varoufakis, the Greek finance minister – Greece’s finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has spelled out the negotiating strategy of the Syriza government with crystal …
[youtube=] CNN Journalist: ‘Governments Pay Us To Fake Stories’, Shocking Exposé! by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, According to Amber Lyon, a three-time Emmy award winning journalist, CNN is routinely paid by the US government and foreign governments to selectively report on certain events. Furthermore, the Obama administration pay CNN for editorial control over some of their content. – …