Illuminati Globalists Use Putin as Foil to Push TTIP U.S.-EU Merger! The Rise of the Mystery Babylon Whore and 10 Horn Beast!
- The Illuminist philosophy is always to own/control all sides in a major conflict. All major powers are under the rule of the Synagogue of Satan and Russia(China) is no exception.
– - To consolidate disparate countries into a One World Government, the simplest tactic is to use a “Common Enemy”. Countries around the world have to align themselves into one of 2 opposing Axes/Alliance (Thesis/Antithesis): the West or the BRICS alliance. By fear mongering, demonization, building up a controlled enemy, … and eventually WW3 … countries will be “forced” to join one of the 2 opposing groups for their own survival.
– - The final stage (Synthesis) is the merger of these 2 opposing Axes to form the One World Government. It is the Satanic Hegelian Dialectic in action. The Illuminist philosophy of Order Out of Chaos!
– - The coming super merger of USA – EU and others (ie. TTIP and the TPP) is the long prophesied Mystery Babylon Whore and 10 Horn Beast of Revelation 17!
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