‘Hollywood Style’ Propaganda Mass Beheading Video Surfaces.. AGAIN!
- Copyright: CIA, MI5/6 and Mossad. All rights reserved. Rated PG as NO ACTUAL beheadings shown. For enquiries please contact: Psychological Warfare Dept, attention to WhoIsYourDaddy@CIA.Langley.com .
– - Film reviewer comments:
“Bad Acting! Overly melodramatic! Why is the fella speaking with a British Accent? More suitable as Bad Comedy! A 5 inch knife for beheading? You gotta be kidding right?”
– - Published on Nov 16, 2014
Look at the production value in this ‘film.’ Multiple camera angles, added sound effects, voice-over, slow-mo to add dramatic effect, music sound track, even a bit of echo added..
I wonder how much it cost to produce this?
The director of a Turkish made-for-television drama series, is almost certainly the same director/producer for the Foley/Sotloff/Haines ‘beheading’ videos. The same costumes, the same props, the same style and editing techniques, the same titles, and perhaps even the same scenery used for the shoot.
Watch this film side-by-side with the propaganda “beheadings” presented as real, and decide for yourself.
It was previously discovered that the distributor of the ‘beheading’ propaganda films, was a company closely tied to Israeli intelligence (Mossad), and paid by the US government. This same company released several of the patently fake Osama bin Laden videos after 9/11, as well.
Now that the actors, director, and distributor are known, perhaps the rest of the connections behind these frauds will soon be revealed also.
Same Director for ISIS BEHEADING videos and a Turkish drama TV series
