Right-to-Die, Death Panels, Neo-Eugenics and the Transhumanist Club You Aren’t In!
- Published on Nov 6, 2014
The bar keeps getting raised on “the right to die” versus the right of the system to convince people their lives are worth little in the face of artificial scarcity otherwise known as “finite resources” as Bill Gates calls them. Now we’ve moved to a place where bioethicists are arguing it should be legal to kill live, otherwise healthy children after they are born and courts have allowed a mother to starve her disabled 12-year-old daughter to death.
But you see, the whole system and everything it’s made of is completely made up. Fake boundaries within an evil system. It’s a false debate centered around a false reality. They are attempting to put a price tag on the value of your life through the lens of their ridiculous bureaucracy and a society built on industrial complexes that live, breathe and feed on human suffering.
The Obamacare architect says we should only live to 75, that it shouldn’t be our choice. Unofficial death panels absolutely exist. It’s a Soylent Green society in its infancy. They act like spending the dough to give your grandma a few extra months to live at the end is simply too expensive and too much of a drain on their system, but they have no qualms about going $17 trillion dollars into debt fighting endless wars and all the rest of the wasteful, stupid nonsense our government is involved in day after day. Behind it all at the top of the pyramid, the important life-saving, life-extending technologies continues to be suppressed from general public view as they have been for decades now.
The whole thing is a bullshit sham, and when you hear what elitist billionaires like Bill Gates have to say about who should be allowed to get what treatment and that we should be “careful about whether you want to make those innovations available to everyone,” and then you realize those rules don’t apply to him and his family only you and yours, you’ll understand why this entire thing is just new eugenics with a trendy technocratic overlay. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss…
This isn’t about someone’s right to take or end their own life. This is about everyone’s right to live in a world where that decision isn’t made by government bureaucracies or elitist, eugenicist billionaires who would never make that same choice for themselves that they can so nonchalantly make for everyone else.
When we devalue one person’s life, we devalue all our lives.
Bill Gates’ Rolling Stone interview from March 2014 (there’s a lot more ridiculous, creepy stuff going on in there if you want to read the whole thing): http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/n…