Media Programming You that Ebola Vaccines are Your Salvation!
- Published on Oct 28, 2014
I know this is just a simple little thing they did here, but when I saw the article in Reuters about how drugmakers are teaming up to produce MILLIONS of Ebola vaccines, complete with the picture below the headline of an Ebola worker in a hazmat suit with “Christ” written in Sharpie marker on his forehead, well…
My inner voice went, “Ah, I see whatcha did there… Clever.” The propaganda surrounding Ebola and it’s billion-dollar “cure” is getting ridiculous. We don’t even have to have an actual Ebola virus for people to be afraid enough to line up in droves and roll up their sleeves for this fast-tracked, experimental concoction either. With people gorging on a steady diet of mainstream media Ebola fear porn at this point, all someone has to do is whisper the word “Ebola” in a dark theatre.
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